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Security-Online and its officers, directors, employees, representatives and affiliates disclaims any liability for any damage, including loss or corruption of data or security breeches, arising out of use of its directory services. You should exercise caution when downloading, installing, evaluating, testing, and deploying software from the Security-Online Mall. Security-Online categorizes software at the time of inclusion in the Mall directory and in the Mall Shops. However, Security-Online makes no attempt to test or evaluate the capability, reliability, effectiveness, or lack of defects of any of the listed software programs and so isn't responsible for the performance of the software or any damage including loss of data, corruption of data, loss of privacy, confidentiality, or any type of security breeches caused by the use of software downloaded for evaluation, demonstration, trial usage, or purchase from the Security-Online Mall. Software products offered for trial evaluation or for sale from the Security-Online Mall does not constitute or imply endorsement of that product. Security-Online and its officers, directors, employees, representatives and affiliates disclaims any liability for any damage, including loss or corruption of data or security breeches, arising out of use of products purchased from its site. The Internet and the World Wide Web are by nature an open communications medium which provide free and unrestricted global access to the public resources found on this site. Where possible and where required by the laws of the United States, Security-Online takes every precaution available to disallow the sale and export of specific software programs to denied countries and denied individuals. International visitors to the Security-Online site must abide by the laws and customs of their country of origin regarding access to and use of the types of information and software products available from this site. Links to some sources of security information and the availability of selected types of security software from this site may be deemed inappropriate, unauthorized, or even illegal within your organization, or by the rules, regulations, customs, or laws of your country. Security-Online disclaims any resulting liability or legal responsibility to abide by such restrictions or laws of any foreign nation or country, if a visitor to this site, with or without complete knowledge, violates such conditions. The Security-Online site is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with respect to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that Security-Online and its officers, directors, employees, representatives and affiliates are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, security, or other professional services from this site. If legal or security advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Security-Online makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of information presented within this site. The visitor is cautioned that this site could include technical inaccuracies, typographical errors, dead links, defective software, or other omissions. Security-Online reserves the right to discontinue this service or to make additions, deletions, changes, and improvements to the information and programs available on this site at any time without notice or obligation. Security-Online warrants that for a period of 30 days from the date the software is purchased and downloaded by you, that the software file will be free from defects that prevent you from installing the software program on your computer. Security-Online's sole obligation under this warranty is to replace the defective software file provided that Security-Online is notified of such defects with the 30 day period. The software may also be covered by the original developer/publisher warranties that apply to legally licensed and registered programs. See the developer/publisher information accompanying the product for additional warranty and support services. Security-Online will refund the purchase price of any software found to be dissatisfactory by the original purchaser within 30 days of the purchase following the return of a signed letter of intellectual property destruction and the return of any accompanying electronic license certificates, and providing the customer supplies notice to Security-Online within the 30 day time period. Security-Online disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or non infringement. Security-Online shall not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind arising out of or resulting from your possession or use of the software, including data loss, data corruption, or security breeches of any type, regardless of whether such liability is based in contract, torte, or otherwise. 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